The Right Guy Show

An old fashioned libertarian’s view on the world

Archive for the ‘cheap’ Category

The Parsimonious Pied Piper of Hyde Park

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It looks like people are already getting screwed by Obama, and he hasn’t even taken the oath of office yet. Campaign staff workers not only allege they have not been paid, but those that did get paid eventually we shortchanged hours worked. Is this Obama’s idea of Hope and Change? There is an old saying that judge a man not by how he treats people that can do something for hi, but judge him by how he treats people that an do nothing for him. Well, these people gave of themselves to put him in office, and it seems he didn’t do right by them. This is not a good start, and probably an indicator of what he think of people under him. 

Thank you for reading this blog. 

Written by James Lagnese

November 6, 2008 at 8:05 pm