The Right Guy Show

An old fashioned libertarian’s view on the world

Archive for the ‘Rush Limbaugh’ Category

I Told You So

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It is finished.

From My post of November 19, 2009:

If you haven’t heard it, the vote for Obamacare with probably be this SaturdayDingy Harry has said the vote will be at 8pm, preceded by 10 hours of debate.
I really wish I could speak my mind, but unfortunately, the Secret Service would be at my door in minutes. All I can say is that these fabian socialist cowards have sold us down the river. I can only imagine that they believe that once they do their dastardly deed, it won’t matter if they lose their jobs or not. It’s like an explorer burning the ship to motivate the troops. It’s a suicide move done in the context that they know they’ve won.
Right now we are facing the most drastic change to our country and economy extant. The government will control 48% of the economy after Saturday. We will be paying for this in advance for 3 years before in takes effect (there is so much wrong with the bill, it would take 10 posts to describe it all), and it will ruin what healthcare most of us do have. Not because they want to give a small percentage of the population healthcare insurance, but because they want people to become accustomed to being on the government dole. Again, they are bribing us with our own money, and we are fools to accept this. This is to create a class of people that are farm animals that will keep the farmers in charge. We are basically done.
The end game of this is to bring our society down to the lowest common denominator and in the end, to create a world where wealth does not exist. Almost everyone will suffer and/or be miserable together, where the ideals of excellence, pride, and self-interest will be no more. We will have become like farm animals producing for the collective. Sure, third world countries will do better than they do now, but it will be at the expense of those of us that have produced, that have risked and succeeded.
I wish I could blame only Obama or even the bunch of democrats in control, but the blame falls with the right as well and all of us. The answer is not the GOP. It never has been. They have been complicit in this debacle and while Rush, Sean and Beck have been wringing their hands (they’ve done little good), they are just the directors of the bread and circus stage right that have made sure to stash enough way to float out what they have left in there years. We will have three choices: Take the blue pill, the red pill or break out. In other words, we can join the collective, continue to play the loyal opposition, or do something meaningful. What do you want to do? At least John Galt had Galt’s Gulch. I don’t see anywhere that free men will be able to go, at least in the context of their end game. Like the old Winston commercial, would you rather fight than switch?
If you think I am being overly melancholy, depressive, dark, cynical, or over the top, ask yourself this question: Would you have thought this possible 3 years ago? Two years ago? Even a year ago? Time to wake up McFly.
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Written by James Lagnese

March 21, 2010 at 9:12 pm

If Obama wins…

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If Obama wins and gets healthcare, gets immigration reform, gets cap and tax or even one o these, would you leave or prepare to leave at some point? If so where would you go? If not, why would you stay? Rush Limbaugh has kidded about Costa Rica. The truth is, if you have a lot of money, getting dual citizenship is relatively easy. My question is posited because if Obama gets what he wants, what’s the difference between us and Canada? The UK? The Right Guy wants to hear from all of you out there.

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Written by James Lagnese

March 21, 2010 at 10:24 am

Bungalow Bill Gets Mentioned on The Rush Limbaugh Show

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We congratulate Clay Bowler at Bungalow Bills Conventional Wisdom for being mentioned on The Rush Limbaugh Show regarding the Sea World incident. Here’s the article:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

We Know More About Tilikum the KILLER Whale in Five Hours, Than We Knew About Obama Before the Election

About a week before the 2008 election, Tom Brokaw sat in front of Charlie Rose on PBS stating we really don’t know much about Barack Obama. The two then exchanged back and forth all the things the mainstream media failed to ask Obama or dig up as we headed into the election just a few days later. This was the sad assessment of the state of the media and its bias leading into election day.

The mainstream media failed to report on Obama’s college days, his birth certificate, his drug use, his associations with Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, his connections to ACORN, his participation with theAnnenberg project, how he used the courts to win earlier elections, his direction towards communism, racial beliefs, and all the dirty little secrets hidden so Obama could assume office. Now that he is president, the mainstream media still fails to dig deeply into the healthcare plan, the stimulus plan, and all the other controversial bills leading towards socialism. I still haven’t heard the mainstream media discuss Obama’s desire to track Americans with their cell phones and increase wire tapping capabilities of the federal government; yet they screamed with George W. Bush was listening in on terrorists. Something tells me in their private circle, Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose still says there is a lot we don’t know about Barack Obama.

However, in less than a day, I know everything I need to know about Tilikum, the killer orca at Sea World. I know where it was born, who its parents were, which tanks it lived in, how many people have died around the killer whale, and all the other details the media managed to dig up about the killer whale. It really is a sad statement about our mainstream media. By the way, the quote of the day comes from Matt Lauer from the Today show, which took out 15 minutes to discuss the incident. Lauer actually said, “they don’t call them killer whales for nothing.”

This story was also picked up at LCR. Congrats Clay.

Thank you for reading this blog.

Written by James Lagnese

February 26, 2010 at 6:15 am

Rush Limbaugh Sends an Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama

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H/T Teresa and Rush Limbaugh

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Written by James Lagnese

January 30, 2010 at 2:05 pm