The Right Guy Show

An old fashioned libertarian’s view on the world

Archive for the ‘The Local’ Category

Swedish Meatballs

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The Swedes are totally fucking nuts, even if you ignore them giving Al Gore the Nobel Prize. Lets start out with Item 1: Swedes are afraid of a commercial. You know, how has such a country produced such a giant like Magnus Samuelson, yet are such wusses. Item 2: Refugees died after HIV misdiagnosis. So much for socialized medicine. Item 3: Woman, 32, found guilty of raping woman. I wonder if the gay rights crowd will champion this. Item 4: Woman affirmed right to smoke in own garden. Isn’t nice that someone can actually have some personal sovereignty on their own property? I am shocked that such a progressive and socialist country like Sweden would affirm such a right. Imagine doing as you like on your own property. Then again, I am surprised anyone is allowed to own property there.

I will admit that Item three is a little superfluous, but I find humor in it in the fact that some lesbian NOW agendists think that consensual sex between a man and a woman is rape, and here we have rape among their own. Sucks to be just human like the rest of us? This is not to disregard the horror of that act at all, and the seriousness that it should be dealt with, but I couldn’t resist the hypocrisy of those people and them being proven wrong on some level. Unfortunately, all the woman got was to be put in a psychiatric facility. May be the rest of sweden should follow her there.

Bottom line, Socialism is nuts or makes you nuts. 🙂

Thank you for reading this blog.

Written by James Lagnese

August 8, 2009 at 2:49 pm